

The main responsibilities of Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs include:

  • Notifying all the units of legislation, bylaws, and procedural guidelines issued by the university and monitoring their effective enforcement
  • Making and amending regulations, bylaws, and guidelines related to the duties and responsibilities of Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs in order to be approved by authorities
  • Monitoring and evaluating the performance of all units and divisions in order to ensure they are working effectively and efficiently
  • Providing reports on the duties and responsibilities of different offices of the university and submitting them to the president
  • Collaborating with other units and divisions in order to ensure that the objectives, duties, and plans of the university are followed closely
  • Managing and Monitoring all administrative, financial, and developmental affairs and ensuring that they are performed based on approved laws, regulations, and guidelines
  • Investigating the executive plans of the university and monitoring the performance of all units in order to integrate all the activities and ensure that the university’s goals are pursued and achieved
  • Proposing the annual budget and monitoring the expenditure of the allocated budget to different units based on the legislation approved by the board of trustees, and representing the reports for further follow-up
  • Investigating the current status of the university by recognizing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and proposing strategies for promoting the university to higher standards
  • Collecting and completing the information required based on the comprehensive plan of the university
  • Organizing all the activities related to the implementation of the university’s development projects
  • Fundamental renovation, repair, and maintenance of the present buildings and facilities
  • Optimizing the interaction among all offices and units in cooperation with other Vice Presidents
  • Supervising financial affairs, providing financial management reports, and establishing fiscal discipline in different units of the university
  • Offering new methods and revising the existing ones for guaranteeing maintenance of the buildings and facilities of the university as national capitals
  •  Performing all other duties assigned by the president
Last Update At : 05 February 2019