Departments and Majors


Faculty of Agriculture Departments and Majors





Water Science and Engineering

Water Science and Engineering

Irrigation and Drainage

Water Resources

Water Resources

Water and Hydro-Informatics Science and Engineering

Hydro Structures

Animal Science Engineering

Animal Science Engineering

Animal Science-Animal Nutrition

Animal Science-Animal Nutrition

Animal Science - Poultry Nutrition

Animal-genetic sciences and breeding of livestock and poultry

Animal Science - Poultry Nutrition

Animal Science - Physiology of Livestock and Poultry

Plant Pathology

Plant Pathology

Plant Pathology

Horticultural Sciences and Engineering

Horticultural Sciences and Engineering

Horticultural Science and Engineering-Medicinal Plants

Horticultural Science and Engineering-Fruit Trees

Plant Production and Genetics

Plant Production and Genetics

Genetics, and Plant Breeding

Agrotechnology - Crop Physiology

Rural Development

Agrotechnology-Physiology of Crops

Agrotechnology – Crop Physiology

Agrotechnology- Crop plants

Agrotechnology - Crop Plants

Agrotechnology- Crop Ecology

Agrotechnology - Seed Science and Technology

Agrotechnology - Weed Science


Soil Science and Engineering

Soil Science and Engineering


Last Update At : 25 December 2022