تازه های کتاب

شماره راهنما (کنگره)‏پديدآور ‏عنوان‏سال نشر‏موضوع‏
PE 1128 .P446 2014Phillips, Deborah, author, 1952-Longman preparation course for the TOEFL iBT test-English language, Textbooks for foreign speakers Test of English as a Foreign Language, Study guides English language - Examinations, Study guides
PE 1128 .P447 2014Phillips, Deborah, author, 1952-Longman preparation course for the TOEFL iBT test-English language, Textbooks for foreign speakers Test of English as a Foreign Language, Study guides English language - Examinations, Study guides
TA 357 .M87 2013Munson, Bruce Roy, 1940-Fundamentals of fluid mechanics[2013]Fluid mechanics, Textbooks SCIENCE / Mechanics / General
G 2255 .A74 1998-Atlas d'Iran1998Iran Iran, Economic conditions Iran, Social conditions Atlases
P 53.4 .B77 2010Brown, H. Douglas, 1941-Language assessment :principles and classroom practices2010Language and languages, Study and teaching Language and languages, Examinations Language acquisition
TK 5103.4 .H36 2014Hampton, Jerry R., authorIntroduction to MIMO communications-MIMO systems
QA 273 .P2 1991Papoulis, Athanasios, 1921-Probability, random variables, and stochastic processesc1991Probabilities Random variables Stochastic processes
TK 5102.9 .P677 1999Poularikas, Alexander D., 1933-The handbook of formulas and tables for signal processingc1999Signal processing, Handbooks, manuals, etc
PE 1449 .c37 2018Carriero, Rich, authorBarron's 1100 words you need to know-Vocabulary LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Vocabulary LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Reference REFERENCE / Dictionaries LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Vocabulary LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Reference REFERENCE / Dictionaries Vocabulary Study guides Study guides Young adult non-fiction Study guides
TD‎ ۴۸۱‎ /چ‎۲‎ س‎۹جباري مقدم، علي، ‎۱۳۴۹-سيستم‌هاي انتقال آب۱۴۰۰آب بخشي -- راهنماي آموزشي (عالي) Study and teaching (Higher -- Distribution -- Water) هيدروديناميک -- الگوهاي رياضي -- راهنماي آموزش (عالي) Study and teaching (Higher -- Mathematical models -- Hydrodynamics) آب -- مهندسي -- راهنماي آموزشي(عالي) Study and teaching(Higher -- Hydraulic Engineering)
نمایش ۱۱ تا ۲۰ مورد از کل ۱۵۳ مورد.

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